Embrace Boston hosted its second annual Juneteenth celebration – the Embrace Ideas Festival was on June 14-16, 2023 – Centering around the theme: “Here and Present.” Each of the 3 days take on a thematic focus and took place in three locations across Boston culminating on Junteenth.
Embrace Ideas is a celebration of ideas grounded in arts, culture and public scholarship. The three-day gathering brings together local, state and national leaders, and community to amplify anti-racism and a vision for a transformed Boston by 2030.
The scope of work was to establish a new look and feel for the 2023 Embrace Ideas Festival based on the visual branding, graphics and digital elements as the starting point.
I had to familiarize myself with the organization’s ethos, values and mission and translate this unique personality and DNA through the updated suite of materials for the 2023 event. The multi-layered messaging needed to be thoughtfully expressed and injected with the passion and conviction behind the work and applied via digital, print, web and social touchpoints to a variety of audiences using existing branding.